Summer 2016: A Brief Summary

Pass the gin

With summer almost over and the start of school just around the corner, I thought it would be nice to do a quick reflection and a brief recap of the Summer of 2016.

3 sentences can summarize this summer nicely:

Yay, it’s June and school is finally out, let’s have some fun! What do you mean no electronics during the day, what are we doing today, let’s go to the beach, let’s stay home, I’m starving, hey look…fireworks, it’s too hot, I’m bored, what are we doing today, what are we doing after that, what are we doing tomorrow, there is nothing fun to do, can we go to the pool, there’s no food in this house, he’s annoying me, he won’t play with me, he won’t stop playing with me, those are my flip flops, no they are mine, no they are mine, who ate the last popsicle, what time is Dad coming home, you’re the meanest mom ever, can I have a sleep over, I can’t find my bathing suit, there is no one around, how come everyone else goes away on vacation but us, can we go to the water park, how about now, how about now, how about now, I’m not doing my summer reading, or my summer math, I’m not doing anything, she pushed me, no I didn’t, yes you did, no I didn’t, yes you did, what are we doing today, can we go somewhere fun, why doesn’t the ice cream man come down our street, can you buy me this, can you buy me that, what are we doing today, can you sign me up for summer camp, summer camp stinks why did you sign me up, can you drive me to my friends house, can you pick me up, can I have money for the movies, tell me about the day I was born, want to hear about my dream, what are we doing today, I need 50 band-aids for no reason at all, the beach is boring, the beach is so fun can we stay longer, can we go out to for dinner, can we go out for breakfast, there are new toys in the McDonald’s happy meal can we go there, the car smells weird, can you get me a drink, what are we doing today, what are we doing today, what are we doing today, what are we doing today, what are we doing today. Yay, Candy Corn and Halloween decorations are on display in the stores! {smile, sigh, it’s almost over}

pecked to death


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